Art Contest

Share your vision of a reimagined world with love at the center! Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action—one that intentionally and faithfully breaks down silos and cultivates relationships that lead to flourishing collaborations that transform our congregations through climate justice. How would our world transform if love was at the center of our climate actions and collective liberation as our North star? UUs are invited to submit artwork reimagining climate justice for a new era.  The winning piece will commemorate the UU Climate Justice Revival.

Commissioned Song

The UU Climate Justice Revival Planning Team is commissioning a song to commemorate the Revival. Congregations will receive arrangements and recordings for use during and after Climate Revival worship. During the Revival and beyond, we hope this new piece can be a creative inspiration for expanding the reach of our Climate Justice ministry and some spiritual sustenance for the journey.

Revival Worship Service

The UU Climate Justice Revival Planning Team is creating a worship packet that will be distributed August 1, 2024. It will include written and some video elements for a revival service that invites you to reimagine your liturgy.

    • Musical selections, compositions and some videos, including the commissioned song

    • Welcome

    • Call to Worship

    • Time for All Ages

    • Offering suggestions

    • Prayers of the People and Planet

    • Sermon ideas and videos of the sermon contest winners

    • Ritual for Action

    • Benediction

Coloring Showcase

Bring your coloring skills to the UU Climate Justice Revival! We invite UUs of all ages to spend some time in reflection and joyful creation as you color the Abolitionist Visions of Climate Justice coloring page. The graphic for our coloring showcase was created during a robust discussion with UUA President Sofía and other UU climate justice leaders who came together to envision a world without fossil fuels where clean energy is a human right and all communities thrive.  Share your coloring page in our showcase!

Curricula for Congregations

The UU Climate Justice Revival Planning Team is working with religious professionals to create engaging embodied ecologies of learning for all ages to Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era. A Curriculum Design Team is being created through invitation (and if you are interested in being invited, please reach out by May 10 with your interest and skills). For each age group (pre-K (3-5 years old) - emerging adults (18-24 years old), the Curriculum Design Team will create a series of activities.

    • Nourishing relationships,

    • Making connections

    • Building capacity,

    • Visioning the future,

    • and charting a course!

Justice on Earth

We will be raffling off 5 copies of Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and the Environment, a powerful anthology featuring UU activists, advocates, scholars, and leaders discussing the intersections of  environmental devastation and the forms of oppression we see play out in our daily lives. If your UU congregation has not yet registered for the UU Climate Justice Revival, please do so now—then enter your name into the raffle for Justice on Earth!